Saturday, December 10, 2011

The 13th Month...

The longest and most difficult month of the year isn't even on the calendar. It is the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's just one thing after another! It's cold outside = less motivation to go to the gym. It starts with an epic meal = Food Coma. Holiday party after holiday party after holiday party = COOKIES!

For those of you that are doing the holiday challenge, keep up your hard work! I love getting texts and e-mails and phone calls about how you have lost weight, felt better, Prd and so forth! You're all doing great!

On the same note, don't cut yourself away from society. I am a big fan of the no sugar plan, believe me. However, that doesn't mean I am going to be 'that guy' who doesn't try one of Tess Brown's cupcakes!

Enjoy yourself during the holiday season, just don't go overboard with it. Treat it like any other time of the year: Have a realization that this Saturday or next Friday you have a party that you're going to. Make smarter choices more often, so you can allow yourself the cookie :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Being Healthy...Online??

Over the past 6 weeks, I have had a lot of time to become catabolic. For those of you that I just lost with the big word, stay with me. Being in a state of "catabolism" aka - catabolic, is when your body is no longer producing muscle. In fact, it isn't even retaining muscle, it's going in the reverse direction. The other end of the spectrum is called being anabolic. When the body is anabolic, it is producing muscle. The point at which the body has reached a level where it can no longer produce any more muscle (for various amounts of time - a workout, an event, sometimes longer) is called the anabolic threshold. This is where the highest point at which lactic production exceeds lactic acid removal (our bodies cue to stop). Athletes will train their anabolic threshold to withstand longer durations of intense activity, to optimize their performance.

What's my point? 

In an interview at The 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games, Greg Glassman, founder and CEO of CrossFit, proclaimed that years back he assisted Dr. Barry Sears ( in a study on the effects of nutrition and training being independent of one another. They found that in terms of being catabolic, you could group people into one of two categories. One group were those that did not eat correctly, but they trained and exercised (at different levels of volume and intensity). The other group did just the opposite: They ate correctly, but did not exercise. What he said that they found, was that both groups found themselves at the same level of catabolism. 

Still...what's my point??

Sometimes we find ourselves in ruts. We train as hard as we can (or think we can in most cases) but we aren't getting the results that we want. I found myself in the opposite circumstance but same situation. I ate right, but still lost muscle mass over the past 6 weeks (technically it's been close to 3 months). While I understood the necessity of strength training, I was somewhat in disbelief at the velocity at which catabolism has happened.

With this being the age of the internet, there is no lack of knowledge out there on health & fitness. Countless tips, pieces of advice, recipes, workouts, you name it. It is so easy to get caught up in it all. On the same note, there is no lack of CRAP that gets put out there too! Countless tips, recipes, pieces of advice, workouts, you name it! You have to be careful what you read - in any endeavor. Find a trusted source, and stick with them.

On November 28, our 5 week Body Transformation Challenge will begin. I too (yes, you got it - Mr. Health and Fitness needs a boost) will be partaking in the challenge. I am looking forward to putting my mind and body to work once again, getting myself back on track.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Perspective...

The month of October has got to be one of the most interesting months of my entire life. Many times, when a statement like that is made, it is followed with "Where do I begin?" Well, I know exactly where I will begin... the beginning of the month.

Early in the month of October (the 6th to be exact) I underwent major back surgery. At 25 years old, you think you are invincible. Young, fit, handsome (you really thought I would leave that out?), and above everything else - naive. The surgery itself went extremely well, and I am recovering quickly. The first few weeks post-op were what you would call a 'learning experience' if anything else, for I relied on family and friends for almost everything. I can't thank them enough for helping me, they are truly remarkable and I am proud to have them as a support system.

October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I am proud to be associated with a non-profit organization called 'Mammograms in Action.' MIA raises money for uninsured and/or financially unable women & men under the age of 40 to receive a mammogram. It's a fantastic organization. You can visit to learn more information (and to DONATE!). During the month of October, MIA hosted the 'Pink Bra Tour' as part of their Barbells For Boobs (B4B) project. The Pink Bra Tour started with a single fundraising event in Southern California, and consisted of the B4B team driving across the country, stopping at over 17 different events, raising money and awareness all in the name of breast cancer. Grants were presented at different locations to local cancer centers, for funding towards mammograms. The end result was over 1/2 million dollars raised. 

My association with the tour was two-fold. First, my local gym, CrossFit New Albany, hosted the 14th registered stop on the tour. This was such an amazing experience to be a part of. Helping plan an event like this gave me not only a new appreciation for the work that goes into event planning, but also a sincere devotion towards the organization. I wanted to badly for our event to be a success, and became engulfed with finding as much information as I could about how we can help in the fight against breast cancer.
Secondly, I was invited by the B4B crew to continue with them for the final two stop on the tour. One being CrossFit Long Island City in New York, the second (and last event) at CrossFit New England in Massachusetts. I am extremely honored to be a part of this tour. Even though I was only with this team for the final weekend, I got to meet some amazing people and made amazing friends. We shared stories, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company entirely. The experience is one that I will never forget, and am already looking forward to the next one.

Having the surgery - being unable to help myself in ways that seemed so miniscule - being unable to assist with things while on the tour such as moving equipment - and just simply being able to tie my shoes for the first time all month without pain - puts many things into perspective. As CrossFitters, it is very easy to get caught up into the sport of exercise. How fast our Fran time is, how much we can deadlift, what our Fight Gone Bad score is, etc. I truly believe that you can break down CrossFit into both a type of fitness, and a sport. And there is a distinct difference between the two. This is not saying that someone that uses CrossFit as a fitness isn't able to be a phenomenal athlete, but there is a difference between playing in a basketball league 3 days a week and the NBA (one difference being that the basketball league is still in session, while currently the NBA is not...too soon?).

While I would love to be a professional CrossFitter, and believe that I have the ability to do so, I also understand that there is more to life than just the sport. I train, eat right, recover, repeat. I also want to help thousands if not millions in a positive way. I also want to be able to bend and pick up my grandchildren. CrossFit was by no way the cause for my back injury, but training will be put on the back burner for a few months. 2013 - watch out.

For everyone that was involved in my October, I thank you. There are two months left for 2011 (where the hell did all the time go???). I hope that you, just as I will attempt, make them everything you hope they will be. God Bless.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

One Month Later...

So I might of had some surgery...

So, you may have been wondering where I have been this past month? Or, you probably didn't even think twice about it and got on with your life like everyone else.

The epidural steroid injection (ESI) had a 50/50 chance of relieving the pain. There was the option to receive 3 injections over the course of 18 weeks. But I was in such pain that surgery wasn't even a matter of questioning anymore, I had to have it.

The doctors operated on 3 discs (L4, L5, and S1). The procedure took about 3 hours, and I have a long road ahead of me in terms of recovery (look at least 6 months before I begin Olympic lifting/Crossfitting again).

The pain medication has put a small limit on my appetite (with the exception of my amazing friends that have brought me food). I've only been able to really eat one meal per day. The rest of my nutrition has been coming in the form of supplementation. The shakes have been a huge help, as well as the concentrated fruit and vegetables supplement and twist tube. I have been taking in a large amount of both Omega-3 and Omega-6. The Omega-3 has come from the Ocean Essentials Balanced Health and Heart Health, while the Omega-6 has come from CLA. I've also been making sure to snack on things such as walnuts, pistachios (both high Omega-3 nuts) and grapes, which are high in fiber.

While this is an extremely humbling experience (do you have any idea what it's like to ask you aunt to lift the toilet seat for you?), I am coming along and getting stronger every day.

Thank you to everyone that has stopped by. The food, movies, gifts, and well-wishes make this process all the easier. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

4-6 Weeks

Big sucker, isn't he?

Yesterday I had an Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI). No, I did not give birth to a child.

I have two severely bulged discs in my back, my L4 & L5. The initial injury happened close to 2 years ago during a rugby season. And, being the stereotypical male that I am, I thought I didn't need to get it checked out. Then, just after the injury, someone asked "Hey, have you ever tried a workout called 'Fran'?"

CrossFit is not the reason for my injury. Lack of attention to something that needed to be looked at is the reason.

So, I got the ESI. They injected the epidural steroid in-between my L4 & L5 discs. The idea behind it is to strengthen both discs and that they will fuse back together. In about a week I should be relieved from the pain that I've been having for the past year down my leg. I'm supposed to take it very easy the next few days, and I have at minimum 4-6 of no CrossFit (per injection, I may need up to 3). Push ups, strict pull ups, and some Prone Press Ups. I may need another injection in 6 weeks, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Rather than be all down in the dumps, why not take this time to learn some things? Particularly, with nutrition. Over the next 4-6 weeks (whichever the doctor tells me), I will be experimenting with Paleo, without exercising. I know how my body reacts when I eat crappy and try to work out. But what about eating strictly clean and not busting my tail at the same time? I am going to keep the same regime of supplements that I do, with the exception of pre-workout and post-workout.

I am interested in seeing how my body will react. I'm probably going to go nuts not being able to workout, but at least I get to do something :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The NEW Tess Brown!

Have you seen Tess in the gym lately? Holy crap is she killing it or what?!?!?! Tess is one of our many bright spots in the gym, always with a smile on her face. It is easy to tell why too!

 For those of you that don't know who Tess is, you may know who "Bill Brown's wife" is...put 2 and 2 together.

" I gained 30 lbs while I was pregnant and lost about 10 before starting at CFNA. I started elements when he was 7 weeks old and am now down the other 20 lbs plus a little more and still going.

 Weight is just a number.. soo.. 180 at 9 months preg.. and now 149.. officially smaller than my pre-baby self. And I'm pretty sure a whole lot stronger thanks to you guys. :):). I think my goal is 135.. we will see what happens."

We are SO proud of you Tess! You are the perfect example of what exercise, PROPER nutrition (Schedule your appointment here :) - shameless plug), and a good attitude can do.

The next time you see Tess in the gym, or anywhere, give her a high five. She's more than earned it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Supplement Seminar

August 31, 7:30pm at CrossFit New Albany

  I will be hosting a supplement seminar to those that wish to attend. This is HIGHLY recommended for those who have met with me about nutrition in the past. I will be going over what some of the bare minimum needs are in terms of supplementation. Additionally, I will be going over certain supplements that can help you in your training needs.

  Supplements are commonly used for the wrong things. Supplements are designed to AID what you are already doing, NOT replace.  Many people think that if they take certain supplements that they don't need to train or eat properly. I hope you know that this is false information.  Combined with proper training and nutrition, the right supplements can help you get to that level of fitness you have always wanted to be at.

  If you have any questions about the seminar, please feel free to contact me.  This seminar does not cost you anything ($70 value!), I am simply asking that you make a donation to Mammograms in Action

 See you all on the 31st!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Have you met Justin Murphy?

                   November, 2010                                   June, 2011 

 I would like to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Justin Murphy. Justin is a member at CrossFit New Albany. Aside from being possibly the world's nicest person, Justin is an amazing asset to the gym. Justin first walked through the doors of CFNA in December of 2010, coming to a free "Invite your friends" Saturday morning class. While the workout was brutal (what good Saturday WODs aren't?), afterwards Justin came up to the trainer saying "This is what I need."

Justin's work ethic has never been a matter of question inside the walls of the box, this dude gets after it!
Like many fellow CrossFitters, the first few workouts can be very, well, humbling. Justin first started at CrossFit weighing 230 lbs, with a BP of 140/90. He had been on medication prescribed by his doctor for both blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

 Justin saw CrossFit as a way to add longevity to his life. He quickly found himself wanting more and more of the workouts. Soon after joining, Justin and I had a nutritional consult. He realized that no matter how hard he worked in the gym, his efforts would be fully used unless he got his eating right. We started Justin on an eating plan based on the Zone Diet, by Dr. Barry Sears. The weight quickly started dropping. We also had him add a high quality Fish Oil to his daily routine. This was to help him recover from workout to workout, and fill in for some of the essential fat that may have been missing from his diet.

Around April, Justin and I met again. His performance was up, he was feeling better and looking awesome. But we knew there was still more that we could do. We switched Justin to more of a Paleo based nutritional plan, whereas the gym was partaking in a 30-day Paleo challenge.

Here comes just some of the good stuff :) Not only did Justin take 2nd in the Paleo Challenge (today he is weighing in at a svelt 205 lbs), he also took second place in one of the Bod-Pod readings that many o our gym members were partaking in also!

It gets even better. Today, Justin was finishing his workout and approached me and simply said "Thank you." I was confused as to what the thanks was for. Then he told me "Went to the doctor today. He said that I no longer need to be on blood pressure or cholesterol medication. I can't tell you enough how much this means to me, so thanks."

I couldn't be more proud of Justin. Today he is weighing in at 205 lbs, with a BP of 128/72.

If you haven't had a chance to meet Justin, you're missing out. He adds more to our gym than we could have ever hoped for. He is a family member of CrossFit New Albany, and we are extremely excited to be a part of his. Congratulations, Justin!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Weekend Re-Cap

Wow, what a weekend! Congrats to Rich and Annie on being crowned the Fittest on the Planet! It was amazing to see not only these two athletes, but all of the competitors give 100% of themselves to the workouts. Again, big congrats to these two.

I had a great opportunity to talk to many of the athletes while at the games. Many things were unique about each individual, but the sense of community that was present was unbelievable.  You don't find in sports where opponents are cheering each other on. Not only would an athlete cheer on his/her fellow CrossFitter once they finished a workout, but they were rooting for each other DURING the workout! Amazing.

 It was extremely interesting to talk to the athletes about what they do outside of the gym. Many have regular day-to-day jobs: Firemen, teachers, nursing students, PhD programs, and obviously, gym owners. The fact that these guys/gals still manage to train the way they do is inspiring. That inspiration is obvious in how it has carried over in everyone else's life as well. For those of you that train at our box, have you noticed the intensity this week? It's INSANE! That desire to be an elite, next level athlete is more real than people realize. Let's keep this going! Now is the perfect time to turn up the intensity, and more importantly, dial in your NUTRITION.

Speaking with the athletes at the games, almost all of them agreed that nutrition was more as if not more important than training. "Working out is the easy part" is what Nick Uranker, 3rd place at the Central East Regional and 2011 Games Competitor, told me. "When you workout, you can just block out everything for 15 minutes. Even if you're working out 3 or 4 times a day. You're eating the rest of the day, everyday. The hard part is making sure you're getting enough vegetables in."

I couldn't agree more. This is where supplementation comes in for many of the athletes. The understanding that Phytonutrients are important was a common theme. Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plant material that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining human life. Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals that contain protective, disease-preventing, compounds. Their role in plants is to protect plants from disease, injuries, insects, drought, excessive heat, ultraviolet rays, and poisons or pollutants in the air or soil. They form part of the plants immune system (

So, how do we get Phytonutrients? Well, unless you plan on eating an obnoxious amount of fruits and vegetables (and by obnoxious I mean by the pound), you need to look into god, high-quality, natural supplements. Many of you know that I take the Multi Double-X, want to know why?!?!?! Not only is it an all natural, pharmaceutical-grade multi vitamin, multi mineral, but it is also a PHYTONUTRIENT (make some sense?). Over the next month, I will be talking more about Phytonutrients, and ways that you can make your life better. After all, what's the point of putting in all that work if you're not getting 100% in return?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 Bud Lights?!?!?!

Tomorrow! It's finally here! The 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games. It's going to be an EPIC event! Athletes started arriving early yesterday, with last night being the athlete dinner. Graham Holmberg, Rob Orlando, Mikko Salo, Dan Bailey, all the heavy hitters are there. And how can we forget about the women! Kristan Clever, Lisa Shiu, Katie Hogan, and of course, Ms. Jaime Gold!

Speaking of Kristan, the big buzz around the dinner was that the 2010 Games Champion had 2 Bud Light bottles with dinner. The amount of Facebook chatter went off the charts when the picture surfaced. Numerous people (clients and non) sent me messages asking about alcohol and training. It was an uproar.

Calm down, people. It's 2 beers. First of all, in the grand scheme of things, 2 beers (especially for an elite athlete such as Ms. Clever) is not going to kill you. And secondly, and probably more importantly, I highly doubt that last years champ has left any room for question as to if she knows what she is doing. I have no idea as to how Kristan's training and nutrition coordinate with each other. Many of the top level athletes swear to nothing that isn't Paleo. On the same hand, you can find probably just as many that eat whatever they want, just with a more observant eye to the moderation (more of a "Zone" friendly plan). And every now and then, you will find that athlete (cough, cough, Dan Bailey), that can be caught having a cookie (or 2) the week before the games.

I am not a person that is saying it is good to put alcohol into the training regime. However, relax. Watch the Games this weekend while sitting back and cracking open a beer. It will not be the end of you. I won't be drinking during the games, but not because I think it will add .00005 seconds to my "Fran" time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Here we go!

Hey Guys!
 So this blog didn't really last much longer past the Paleo challenge. Which, speaking of, everybody did AWESOME! Congrats to the Jaime Felty, Justin Murphy, and Matt Parker on taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!

 So we are going to start of a more consistent blog on not just nutrition, but what we're going to call "Life Fuel."  We all know that food is our fuel, but our attitude towards life (including food) plays as big of a part of our "diet" as other things.

So, here's to you! Can't wait to start this journey! Here is a great way to start!

Thank you to Sarah Johnson from Albany CrossFit for this awesome recipe!


Monday, April 25, 2011

30 Day Paleo Challenge

What? - A 30 Day Challenge to see how good you can look/feel/perform by changing the way you eat

Why? - Seriously?

Where? - CrossFit New Albany

When? - We will be meeting May 8 at 6:15 PM at CFNA. The challenge starts May 9

Cost? - $35 per person
            Why does this cost money?
            The Paleo Challenge is more than simply changing your eating habits. At the meeting, we will be going over many different things. Such as: * Nutritional Choices, Grocery Lists, Meal Plans, Gluten/Soy/Dairy Intolerance, Glucose Levels, Supplements, Omega-3s, and much more! You will also be receiving a one month supply of Nutrilite Omega-3 Balanced Health. And besides, look how much a one-on-one costs anyway :)

We will be meeting 2 weeks into the challenge to see how people are doing. What worked, what hasn't. What's been hard/easy. And (the best part) to compare recipes!

Sign up at CFNA BEFORE the May 8 meeting. Make checks out to Keith Simon.

This is not limited to just members of the gym. If you have friends, family, spouses, kids, co-workers, whoever you know that wants/needs a nutritional change, bring them (same cost per person).

You work hard in the gym, make your body work just as hard outside of it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How we look vs. How we feel

Go ahead, call me cocky, but I like the way I look. I've worked hard to be in the shape I am, so there.  Take it or leave it (just had to state that first).

Then, tell me why some mornings I feel like this guy?!?!?!

How we take care of our bodies before and after we workout is just as important (actually, it's more important) than the actual workout.

There are a few things to keep in mind that will help with recovery:
-) Getting in a good pre-workout "meal" is important. about 1.5-2 hours prior to working out, make sure you have some fuel in your system. Sometimes this can be difficult with your schedule, so high quality bars are also a good option if you're in a pinch.

-) Drinking plenty of fluids (water, sugar free beverages) throughout the day is very important. Your really can't get enough water, especially just after a workout. At minimum, aim for at least half of your body weight (in ounces). i.e.) A 200# person should try to drink at least 100 ounces of water each day.

-) I have seen great results when I use a post workout Recovery Shake. Immediately following your workout, your body is CRAVING the things you just took away from it. REPLENISH YOUR BODY. I have had great results with the Nutrilite Quick Recover Drink. I also pair it with the a teaspoon of Vanilla Protein Powder.

-) When I go to sleep, especially after a really taxing workout, I wear my recovery tights. Compression pants work as well. It really makes a big difference when I wake up in the morning.


-) And last but certainly not least..........FISH OIL. I can't express enough how important this vital Omega 3 is for you. The more the merry! I suggest beginning at least with 3g/day. Personally, I take between 9-15g, depending up on the week of workouts. Ocean Essentials Balanced Health is a great place to start.

Thursday, March 31, 2011



Here is a great article on how to save some cash at the grocery store and still get the food you NEED.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Here is a delicious recipe from The Zone Diet


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cover Your Basics!

Hey Guys!
 A lot of you have been asking me about "bare-minimum" about what supplements you should be taking.

Make sure you are covering your basics! FISH OIL, a GOOD Multi, and making sure you're getting the phytonutirents that you need from fruits and vegetables!

Perfect Pack

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thanks, Jamie!

Hey guys! Here is a link to Jamie Pulscher's blog.  She has some great Paleo recipes that she has shared.  They are delicious!

Jamie's Paleo Treats

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Paleo(ish) Cocktail

Hey guys! Here is a great video on a friendly somewhat Paleo drink.  Pretty simple and easy, enjoy!

NorCal Margarita

Monday, January 10, 2011

Post Workout

Hey guys!
 Many of you have been asking about what to do after your workouts...
  Here is a great video that may help answer some of your questions.  Stephan is one of the guys that helped me out a lot with nutrition! Don't forget to check out the other videos in the series!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Zone Meal Plans

Here is a great place to start for those of you not sure where to go for Zone Meals!

Zone Meal Plans, via CrossFit Journal


Hey Everyone!
 Welcome to the NEW Nutrition blog for CrossFit New Albany! Here will be your go-to place for information about:
 *And much more!
 There will be more to come in the near future, check back soon!