Friday, April 1, 2011

How we look vs. How we feel

Go ahead, call me cocky, but I like the way I look. I've worked hard to be in the shape I am, so there.  Take it or leave it (just had to state that first).

Then, tell me why some mornings I feel like this guy?!?!?!

How we take care of our bodies before and after we workout is just as important (actually, it's more important) than the actual workout.

There are a few things to keep in mind that will help with recovery:
-) Getting in a good pre-workout "meal" is important. about 1.5-2 hours prior to working out, make sure you have some fuel in your system. Sometimes this can be difficult with your schedule, so high quality bars are also a good option if you're in a pinch.

-) Drinking plenty of fluids (water, sugar free beverages) throughout the day is very important. Your really can't get enough water, especially just after a workout. At minimum, aim for at least half of your body weight (in ounces). i.e.) A 200# person should try to drink at least 100 ounces of water each day.

-) I have seen great results when I use a post workout Recovery Shake. Immediately following your workout, your body is CRAVING the things you just took away from it. REPLENISH YOUR BODY. I have had great results with the Nutrilite Quick Recover Drink. I also pair it with the a teaspoon of Vanilla Protein Powder.

-) When I go to sleep, especially after a really taxing workout, I wear my recovery tights. Compression pants work as well. It really makes a big difference when I wake up in the morning.


-) And last but certainly not least..........FISH OIL. I can't express enough how important this vital Omega 3 is for you. The more the merry! I suggest beginning at least with 3g/day. Personally, I take between 9-15g, depending up on the week of workouts. Ocean Essentials Balanced Health is a great place to start.

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