November, 2010 June, 2011
I would like to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Justin Murphy. Justin is a member at CrossFit New Albany. Aside from being possibly the world's nicest person, Justin is an amazing asset to the gym. Justin first walked through the doors of CFNA in December of 2010, coming to a free "Invite your friends" Saturday morning class. While the workout was brutal (what good Saturday WODs aren't?), afterwards Justin came up to the trainer saying "This is what I need."
Justin's work ethic has never been a matter of question inside the walls of the box, this dude gets after it!
Like many fellow CrossFitters, the first few workouts can be very, well, humbling. Justin first started at CrossFit weighing 230 lbs, with a BP of 140/90. He had been on medication prescribed by his doctor for both blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
Justin saw CrossFit as a way to add longevity to his life. He quickly found himself wanting more and more of the workouts. Soon after joining, Justin and I had a nutritional consult. He realized that no matter how hard he worked in the gym, his efforts would be fully used unless he got his eating right. We started Justin on an eating plan based on the Zone Diet, by Dr. Barry Sears. The weight quickly started dropping. We also had him add a high quality
Fish Oil to his daily routine. This was to help him recover from workout to workout, and fill in for some of the essential fat that may have been missing from his diet.
Around April, Justin and I met again. His performance was up, he was feeling better and looking awesome. But we knew there was still more that we could do. We switched Justin to more of a Paleo based nutritional plan, whereas the gym was partaking in a 30-day Paleo challenge.
Here comes just some of the good stuff :) Not only did Justin take 2nd in the Paleo Challenge (today he is weighing in at a svelt 205 lbs), he also took second place in one of the Bod-Pod readings that many o our gym members were partaking in also!
It gets even better. Today, Justin was finishing his workout and approached me and simply said "Thank you." I was confused as to what the thanks was for. Then he told me "Went to the doctor today. He said that I no longer need to be on blood pressure or cholesterol medication. I can't tell you enough how much this means to me, so thanks."
I couldn't be more proud of Justin. Today he is weighing in at 205 lbs, with a BP of 128/72.
If you haven't had a chance to meet Justin, you're missing out. He adds more to our gym than we could have ever hoped for. He is a family member of CrossFit New Albany, and we are extremely excited to be a part of his. Congratulations, Justin!