The epidural steroid injection (ESI) had a 50/50 chance of relieving the pain. There was the option to receive 3 injections over the course of 18 weeks. But I was in such pain that surgery wasn't even a matter of questioning anymore, I had to have it.
The doctors operated on 3 discs (L4, L5, and S1). The procedure took about 3 hours, and I have a long road ahead of me in terms of recovery (look at least 6 months before I begin Olympic lifting/Crossfitting again).
The pain medication has put a small limit on my appetite (with the exception of my amazing friends that have brought me food). I've only been able to really eat one meal per day. The rest of my nutrition has been coming in the form of supplementation. The shakes have been a huge help, as well as the concentrated fruit and vegetables supplement and twist tube. I have been taking in a large amount of both Omega-3 and Omega-6. The Omega-3 has come from the Ocean Essentials Balanced Health and Heart Health, while the Omega-6 has come from CLA. I've also been making sure to snack on things such as walnuts, pistachios (both high Omega-3 nuts) and grapes, which are high in fiber.
While this is an extremely humbling experience (do you have any idea what it's like to ask you aunt to lift the toilet seat for you?), I am coming along and getting stronger every day.
Thank you to everyone that has stopped by. The food, movies, gifts, and well-wishes make this process all the easier. Thank you.